LSW 2477 Wednesday 21st February


The Peak, Guildford Road to Ship Street

Hares - Dogshit, South Side Sex Toy

Hashers - Slut Entrails, Duty Free, WalkieTalkie WalkieTalkie, Kim KardaXXXian, Dogshit, Octopussy, Pole Dancer, Screwtop, South Side Hash Toy, Hopeless, Freebie, Pipe Rider, Any Fanny'll Do, Toilet Boy, Cute Boar Butt

Write-up - Duty Free, edited by Octopussy

Arrived a few minutes before 7pm and the runners were just getting ready to head out. We received the briefing from the hares who said that there was one trail without a split about 7.5 with some shiggy. Also we’ve been informed that the trail was marked by harpoon arrows because the area was full of other marks.

So we headed out to the Aberdeen Country Park, skillfully pathing every check. At some point unexpectedly the trail jumped down to the catchwater and after running a while along it we climbed up using the metal staples. Those who didn’t look at their feet could enjoy the wildlife on the virgin trail. There was one false trail with a very sharp climb back on the track. Then we crossed Stubbs Road and went to the Orchid Valley, passed the Magazine Gap Service Reservoir Playground and winded for a while along Bowen Drive and Kennedy Road to finish somewhere in Starstreet Precinct around 9 pm. After latecomers - Toilet Boy and Walkie Talkie Walkie - joined the others at the point B hashers headed to the Nepalese restaurant “Himalayas” for a bash.

At the restaurant everyone started pulling out warm cloth from their bags because it was cold as if we were on Everest. When everyone settled down and the food was ordered

Octopussy was asked to lead the circle:

The Hares - thanks for setting a great run.

For the hares, DS and SSHT.

FRBs were called to have a down down.

Cute Boar Butt made Nine Dragons race and still did the run so quickly.

Pole Dancer short cutted.

Roy was lost and DF was blamed for that.

A visitor from Taiwan, Walkie Talkie Walkie, came 45 min late to the run.

Those who missed the turn off after the drain but went down the stairs and had to turn back were charged.

Gordon missed the run but joined dinner. Nice bromance dinner date for AFWD and Gordon

Telecum from Bali was in the restaurant with his curry club friends.

Kim Kardashian Anti dal Instagram Tik Tok . Everyone who arrived at point A by car with chauffeurs or Uber was charged.

Kim KardaXXXian complained that his torch was not good.

Many noticed that the toilets at B were brand new.

Walking Talkie Walkie could not tell Toilet Boy was a hasher because he used hiking sticks during the run.

Toilet Boy was wearing less clothes this time than last but still many layers then he complained he was sweating so much!

Everyone said that it was an excellent run and great chatter about the run.

Guildford Road to Wanchai 240221 10.26km