LSW 2449 Wednesday 9th August


Pak Sha Wan

Hare - Lost in Translation

Hashers - Swiss Chris, Lost In Space, Lost in Translation, Blow My Tits, Gunpowder Plod, Foot Fetish, Screwtop, Cute Boar Butt

Write-up - Screwtop

A nervous hare stated the week before that she wasn't sure if anyone would turn up. It was very much quality who did make it as everyone had a great time on trail and afterwards at the bash.

A clear briefing including warning of 4-5 check backs and we were off, with Plod taking the lead enjoying it as he said 'for the few seconds I can'.

Getting the mini bus gave Blow My Tits and I a head start as we saw the out trail which confused Foot Fetish who asked why we were so sure we were on trail at the beginning. Turning left after the bus stop and I forgot how steep that hill was, all of us saying that there better not be one of the first check backs at the top.... but there was. 'My pleasure' was LIT reply when mentioned after the run! I was the first to the check back and then the first to the first check and I decided to do the decent thing and go left into the very narrow shiggy with stick in hand for all the spiders. I got the check wrong and this set the theme for my run... getting all the check backs and getting the checks wrong. Continuing on trail and then going up Mang Kung Wo Road, I went straight on at the cemetery but pretty sure there was going to be a check back. I was right, however, I missed both HUGE signs for it and ran straight through adding quite a bit to my run. Heading back, others had seen the check back and found true trail keeping Foot Fetish, no name Chris, Blow My Tits and Cute Boar Butt very close together. Great markings kept us like this for the whole trail which was very welcome with Cute Boar Butt being very brave with all the big spiders, myself being brave with all the really loud and large dogs (I know they were behind fences but who knows when they could jump over), and Foot Fetish doing well on checks but then realising she can't call as needed to rest her voice after a recent procedure. No name Chris was a very good team mate and husband, looking after her and calling trail, apart from the one check where she made an owl sound to try and alert she was on true trail, with Blow My Tits getting very confused as she had never seen an owl in Hong Kong! Running past the golf and tennis academy and later through the lovely Lions country park where I recall a run previously there that too many people put marking down thinking they were on true trail and we weren't so spent about 30 minutes running around like the proverbial headless chickens. This time, however, a very well marked check and trail sent us on our merry way (after me of course going in totally the wrong direction on the check first). We then headed up Sai Kwu Leng and back down to Che Keng Tuk Road, off on trail again before the flat so fast run back to A.

As the hare stated everyone should do the Rambo's, no one did the Wimps, and Plod enjoyed his own trail.

Great trail, well marked and all back just over an hour.

Down Downs from Lost in Space:

  • For the hare LIT - run enjoyed by all, well marked trail and not too long for August.
  • Returnees - Lost in Space and Gunpowder Plod
  • Screwtop for going up the steep hill to the first checkback - only LIS avoided some uphill
  • Foot Fetish for pointing out all the dog shit on trail and then going further by describing the dog shit as "soft dog shit"
  • CBB for considering not going to onon - and being told by LIS that she had to stay as they were orange line buddies
  • Gunpowder Plod for doing own run
  • The hare for clearing out all the spiders but missing one!
  • BMT for loving Portugal so much she's back already
  • Gunpowder plod for regaling all his hash crashes and details of the best hospitals he was taken to
  • Gunpowder Plod for teaching us all the Cantonese for "f*ck"

From the floor:

  • FF to Chris - calling too quietly on trail
  • ST to Chris - staying with FF on trail and looking after her, calling quietly on her behalf!
  • ST to CBB - persevering with the spiders on trail
  • ST to BMT - getting the checks mainly right apart from the last one and getting left behind
  • ST to GP and LIS - for their fussy eating habits and keto diets (though carbs from beer don't count apparently!)

  • LIT to LIS for being known by a ladies hasher as "lost in the sky" who wants him to provide a private service direct to Glasgow. LIS said he'd think about it!
  • LIT to ST for bringing sourdough (not sure Hopeless was meant to be able to read this as it may have already been eaten??)