LSW 2363 Wednesday 12th January


Aberdeen Street, Central

Hares - Foot Fetish, Horny Butt Stabber

Hashers - CUTR, Gobi Lo, Octopussy, Euginie, Winky Twinkie, Blow My Tits, Hamish, Timbits, Tight Lips, Hopeless, FreeBee, Gang Banger, Pipe Rider, Macau Drunk, Wincy's boyfriend, Crash Test Dummy, Wincy

Write-up - Hopeless

Hares - Foot Fetish & Horny Butt Stabber

Hashers - CUTR, Gobi Lo, Octopussy, Euginie, Winky Twinkie, Blow My Tits, Hamish, Timbits, Tight Lips, Hopeless, FreeBee, Gang Banger, Pipe Rider, Macau Drunk, Wincy's boyfriend, Crash Test Dummy, Wincy

Write-up - Hopeless

Kwong Hon Terrace Garden - just off Aberdeen Street, Central - not been here for a while, a hidden away gem with toilets! One of this week's cohares was keen to check on hash etiquette for trail setting from Sensei Hopeless. After many messages it was established that "frequent marking" was a good thing - and the hare(s) delivered with a very well-set trail for tonight's pack.

The Foot Fetish briefing included a "Cross and Go Down" marker somewhere on trail, which was a surprise to me as I had some idea where the trail might go, and I thought it would be up.... more later!

First part of trail.. up.... over the bridge on Caine Road, a sneaky CB which led to taking the Central Escalators all the way up to Conduit Road. Up again on the steps to Hornsey Road and into the smashed up soccer pitch at "CSRS Playground" and terracing steps back onto Hornsey Road, past Glenealy School towards The LRC.

Familiar old LSWH3 trail down and up to the bottom of Chatham Path.... Up to the Peak? Well, it started that way then suddenly cut right and onto steps to the "wrong side" of the Peak Tram tracks. And there it was - "Cross and Go Down". Blimey! How steep DOWN is that tramway!!

Walk to the bottom of Peak Tram May Road station, and an arrow left to climb out onto Tregunter Path and along to Old Peak Road. Wait, what?! An On On pointing back up towards the Peak.... oh, a CB and sneaky track to the contour path off Old Peak Road. Familiar trail again, track, along the metal fencing to pop out on Po Shan Road and familiar trail again back to the finish.

Just over 7km - very enjoyable. Plus a rare run without a single boar sighting. Well done hares!

Down Downs - generally from the floor

The hares!

Foot Fetish for the awesome buffet spread.

Welcome to Hamish, virgin hasher.

Chris - FF hubbie - for bringing the extra special Swiss cheese.

Gobi Lo got involved handing out various DD's, including Gin n Vomit for having last week's rope handed back, and Octopussy for getting back the chalk she threw away on the same run/waterfall!

Gobi Lo also got in Eugenie for coming back to LSWh3 even though she (allegedly) hated her first run some months back!

Another virgin tonight - Vincent - Wincy's boyfriend.... Says he loved the trail and will definitely come back again.

Wincy - "and we'll bring the dog" - competition for The Harrows and Monty.

Winky Twinkie has been put on the "Dry January Diet" under the instructions of Pipe Rider.

Gobi Lo chipped in to say that as he has already blown his New Year's resolution of giving up smoking, he could maybe try again when The Year of The Tiger starts in February!

And the song was sung by the hares.

And, finally, as is tradition, CUTR was still not back from the run as the DD's finished so Mother Octo had to stay and look after is bag.

ONON to HBS and Kennedy Town - solo haring!

LSW 2363 Kwong Hon Terrace Garden 220112 7.06km