LSW 2355 Wednesday 17th November


Kent Road Garden, Kowloon Tong

Hares - Octopussy, Foot Fetish & Horny Butt Stabber

Hashers - CUTR, Dogshit, Gobi Lo, Gary Glitter, Lost in Translation, Winky Twinkie, Blow My Tits, Back to the Future, Tight Lips, Hopeless, Free Wheel, FreeBee, Gang Banger, Pipe Rider, Crash Test Dummy

Write-up - Gobi Lo

It was a late start for me as work usually gets in the way on a Wednesday. So when I finally got to Kent Road Garden, a spacious and quiet park tucked in the middle of a low-rise housing estate, most of the hashers were already back from the run and drinking beer and enjoying the merriment: Crash Test Dummy looked cold despite wearing a woolly jumper (you'd think he doesn't have any Scottish blood in him!), Lost In Translation looking radiant after her birthday and still looking the same as when I first met her years ago, Winky Twinky was puffing away like a chimney, Gangbanger just got back from trail and was looking slightly disheveled with bits of grass in her hair and on her trousers. Of course Horny Butt Stabber had to be the annoying guy at work whom you chat to on a Monday morning about what TV show you watched over the weekend only to have him ruin it for you by telling you ALL the spoilers.

The virgin hare, Foot Fetish, told me not to head out for the run as it was just too late and too dangerous. I brushed it off all in stride and after receiving more specific (and helpful) instructions from the other hare, Octopussy, I did exactly what I was told to do - headed out of the park, turned right, crossed the road, headed straight on until you get to the check.

It was at this point that I kind of forgotten what the instructions were but luckily I found the next "On On" marking up the hill, which turned out to be Ede Road and that was exactly where Octo told me to go. Of course with the mansplaining that I was subjected to from Horny Butt Stabber - "the trail will take you up to Lion Rock" - I headed north and ended up on the side path next to the highway. The noise deflection walls were surprisingly effective despite the thunderous amount of traffic on the road...!

Another check which I faffed around but finally found it going across the bridge to the other side of the highway. I saw this arrow on a metal step with BEES! scrawled next to it, but seeing no other markings around, I headed up the steps only to see a yellowjacket wasp nest hanging under one of the steps at eye level...! Yikes - these creatures are a lot more sinister than those cute bees. I switched on my full ninja mode and crept up the stairs only to see no markings at the top. I had to swear under my breath as I had to head down the steps again, not daring to disturb the yellowjackets as I know how painful those stings can be.

Still no markings on the right after coming down the wasp-infested steps so I headed left and finally found markings. Up onto the dodgy single-trail "path" along the fence which was fun and unexpected, then through Lion Rock Park and into the drain (literally), while other civilians exercising in the park stared at me with amusement (or is it contempt?). Up onto a path leading up towards some "immortal hill" then a split which brought the Rambos through some lovely shiggy. Down the steps and through a long urban stretch, weaving onto Checkerboard Hill which had some great views and even a fresh coat of paint.

More urban bits, more parks, even past some love hotels and finally on home where by then most of the hashers have left. The hares were of course still at A, dutifully making sure the last straggler came back, and with Tight Lips feeling a lot better after a couple cans of beer to soften the edge of running alone through Kowloon Tong. I gave a down down to Horny Butt Stabber for spoiling the hash kinder surprise for me (I don't think he will be giving out any spoilers in the future!), thanked Foot Fetish for a run well set, and also thanked Octopussy for the classic Octo views that she usually includes on her run. I didn't know if the song had been sung but we packed up quickly and headed home. On On to the last-minute hare who stepped up to take on the challenge to set the run next week - Hopeless' run at Wong Chuk Hang.

Thank you Octopussy and Foot Fetish for such a lovely trail!

Kent Road Playground 211117 9.29km