LSW 2249 Wednesday 6th November


Spring Garden Lane, Wanchai

Hare - Hopeless

The peeps - Dame Invader, Cupid Stunt, Cheesy, CUTR, Dogshit, LIT, Octo, Winky Twinkie, BMT, Hannah, Indyanus, Sweaty, Timbits, Screwtop, Brother Anus, SSHT, AFWD, Robin, Macau, Pig Fokker

This week's run was an unusual one. Not in a bad way, but in a "this isn't how these Wednesday night hashes usually work" way. But I'm jumping ahead of myself...

As always seems to be the case, the Spring Garden Lane Sitting-Out Area contained a motley assortment of characters. Some were hashers, some represented a random cross-section of Hong Kong's ethnic groups. The latter looked on in bemusement as the trail was explained by Hopeless, with 'standard' markings. (Given how many times he has hared, one wonders if whatever markings he chooses to uses are by default the 'standard' markings for LSW? But I digress). On-on was described as out the entrance, left, left again, and through a little alleyway we could so over the wall past the swings. And the pack were off!

Through some backstreets, across Queens's Road East, and on to Kennedy Road, with everyone wondering which of the several 'usual' paths would be used to take us up into the hills.

Turns out none of them! The hare choosing instead do use some dodgy concrete retaining walls and ladders that were literally falling apart with rust to take us up to Shiu Fai Terrace. One of the ladders the rungs actually flexed as you stood on them, not inspiring a hands-free ascent!

The first Rambo split took the majority of the pack down the usual path to Stubbs Road, then looped back up to a check that took us down into the cemetery. This involved quite a scramble, as in addition to the wall that had to be climbed, an inconveniently parked truck and construction work meant the pack had to push their way through a tarpaulin and pick their way through to the broader paths and greenery amidst the graves.

There confusion arose when we encountered a T on the ground immediately adjacent to an On-On and arrow on a tree (apparently the hare tried going up the wrong stream, and forgot to erase the marking, much to the amusement of some workers who were watching him). This confusion, however, was quickly resolved with the pack spreading out to explore all possibilities, and finding true trail up a nearby stream, and back up onto Stubbs Road and the rejoin.

From there, trail took us up through some housing estates and up to Bowen Road, where we began the long flat slog back in the direction of A. One keen FRB (not me) spotting stairs leading down shortly after an On-On, decided to pre-empt the anticipated checkback, and headed down, quickly finding and calling trail. Another keen FRB (okay, this one was me), duly marked trail down with large, unmissable arrows, resulting in almost the whole pack going the wrong way... The markings, which were apparently from the night before, looped down to the badminton court, then back up to Bowen Road. So no harm, it just added an additional short bit of distance, plus Bowen is pretty boring by hash standards anyway, right?

Trail thereon was a pretty straight-forward run along Bowen, then down Wan Chai Gap Road, across the overbridge, and back home.

A relatively short 5.7kms, 50 minutes for the FRBs, with only 260m of elevation making a nice change from some of the recent 400+ metre ascents! And as noted at the beginning of this report, unusual, in that it didn't follow the fairly standard "up, along, down" pattern of LSW runs, it being more a "sideways, sideways some more, then up, along and down" pattern. A refreshing change, well done the hare!

Down Downs by Indy

The Hare - Hopeless........ and how was the run??.... 'Most most awesome??'.... but not enough graveyards? or steps?? or R/W splits?? Well done with interesting 'sightseeing'! and keeping pack together......

Hopeless - and the LSW hare count is.... 'Ding!!' goes his fridge again!!.... 142 LSW runs set.....

Hopeless - and the number of LSW runs..... 'Ding!!' goes that fridge yet again!! 964!! And his LSW personal challenge is well on the way... 'Ding!' 'Ding!' 'Ding'!!

Lost In Translation - How noisy does it get in that loveshack???????

Timbits - let it be known that his wage is.... $140 million... 'Would that be rupees? or $?'... 'Well it will be $ after I win the Mark 6 tomorrow.......'

Comes Up The Rear - As he ran past Yours Truly Indy.... there was no time for pleasantries of 'Hi Indy! How are you??'....... Just 'Where's the trail??' and then off leaving me in his slipstream.....

Brother An*s - pointed Yours truly in direction for W2 as he reversed down the road to find the R2 trail... in the graveyards......!

Hopeless - Back at A counting runners in.... 'Well that's the last we will be seeing of BA then....'

Winkie Twinkie - or was it he?... 'Should have set the graveyard run the week before...... on Halloween!

Dame Invader - 1st Rambo past yours truly going up slope to Bowen Rd..... with much huffing and panting... and def no 'How's it going'???!!

LIT - apparently suffering badly from too much excessive partying for a week....... still running fast up hills and down vales.......

Yours truly Indy - complaining about not bringing any water.... the black-shirted runner who went past...... me thought was Any Fanny'll Do.... offered up his!! How well he was running I thought!!

Dogsh*t - and the reason you were not running in your usual peak form is??

Yours truly - saw from the back, this 'supposed' 10 year old girl running really well.... 'How unusual that her parents let her out at night to run in the dark 'all by herself???' Drr..... It was South Side Sex Toy!!!!

Going down steps AFWD passes..... 'Did you get lost? I saw you earlier when u offered water?? '.... 'Que?' said he... Oops!!... Mistaken identity!!

Winkie Twinkie - from the back.... looks the same as AFWD!

Crackpot to Dame Invader / Blow My Tits - for helping the damsels in distress over the fence to get into the graveyards.... from behind!!

Hopeless - Out there setting both W/R runs with graveyards and streams etc despite having bad food poisoning......

Returnees -
   Sweaty SG..... Welcome back!! Fab to see you at the run!
   Winkie Twinkie..... Great to see you again!

The Scots - Sweaty / WT / LIT

Returnees -
   Dame Invader.... Always a pleasure... but please throw me some of your Danish voddie next time you pass on the run!.. Ha Ha....
   Timbits...... Very welcome!!...
   Dogsh*t / SSST - Where have u been??

Timbits - And where is Spinky McHu? And how did you get a green pass??

Octopussy - We need a demonstration of your dancing on the water in Israel... with all your veils?? Looked fab!!

Hopeless to Macau drunk for being the Africa continent representative of the winning rugby world cup team and the English - to which AFWD had a meltdown.

Bro An*s - very disappointed in lack of 'LSW blue singing hash shirts' except for himself and Blow My Tits!! And as for Hopeless not wearing a hash shirt at all......

LSW hash shirt wearers (or carriers!)..... Blow My Tits / Sweaty/ Octo / BA / AFWD / Indy

Non Runner - Cupid Stunt

Hopeless - Thanks for your fab and well executed LSW 142 hared run!!

And the most famous hash song was sung by.... Hopeless and the Dancing Queen.. Octo!

6.38km 51mins
Spring Garden Lane 191106 6.38km 51mins