LSW 2243 Wednesday 25th September


Shau Kei Wan

Hare - Cheesy

Write-up - Poon Tang

I arrived at Shau Kei Wan station (please note I was early this time Hopeless), looking a little lost as I couldn't find the markings until LIT yelled out my name to which I followed.

The pack gathered and the briefing was simple. Its Wimps and Rambos run - 4.5km and 7km respectively. No flour and all chalk markings. In the long stretches where there are no intersections –don't expect and markings as there are none. There will be both open and close checks sprinkled with a few check backs.

With all that said, the pack then set off up the stairs to the footbridge taking us over the Chai Wan Road. Leading the way for a bit, I was surprised CUTR wasn't following closely behind....

It wasn't long when we hit the steps that seem to go on and on. Up ahead was Hopeless, powering with purpose, closely followed by CURT and I. When we finally reached the top, CURT and I turned right and started to run and only find it to be a CB. The pack was now together and heading up more steps.

I finally reached the top onto the catchwater trail until we reached a 3-way check. Hopeless and I debated for less than a sec and he kindly volunteered me to cross over the catch water to the shiggy trail to check. Somehow, I didn't spot the trail and was fighting with the bushes. I turned back at which point LIT was screaming her head off about snakes. "Snakes" "Snakes" "I f***ing hates snakes".... Then octopussy kindly pointed out the trial which I missed earlier, and so I made my way up and spotted a lonely chalk marking. He (CFF) wasn't wrong when he said he used chalk sparingly, they were few and far between.

The trail came to a T junction with a marked check. I headed off one direction, which was wrong and then turned back and set off to follow the pack. It twisted and turned and soon we were heading down. All of a sudden, curses rang out, it was a CB. We headed back up to pick up the trail again and ran along the contour following Gobi and CURT. Up ahead was Hopeless who had reached the top of the steps with a CB. He wanted us to share his experience and kept quiet about the CB - naughty man! Gobi called out the CB and we headed back down.

The rest of the route was mainly contours, heading down with many steps and more contours and more steps until we reached the route in which we came. It was "on-on home" from here and we managed to follow the signs back to thank CFF for his enjoyable minimalist marking run. Good run!

By the way, I did bump into others on the trail but I had forgotten and cant remember. There was Hannah Montana, Gary Glitter, Screw Top, Crack pot and O'Bollocks, Brad and many many more....

Down Downs by Indy

The Hare - Cheesy Flying Fox..... The Minimalist Run...... Fab !! Most interesting run concept!!

CCF briefing - there will only be a hash arrow to tell u which direction to go.... if no choice there will be no marking..... if a choice there will be a marking!!.... Hmmmm....

CCF - So minimalist run? Minimal clothing? beers? chalk used.....??

CCF - Apparently used 12 pieces of chalk only... (seemed more like 6!!)

Crackpot - was a victim of minimalist chalk..... got lost on trail with little markings 'en route' to ensure correct way....

Yours truly Indy - also 'lost' on trail...... as confused due to chalk arrow going back the way trail had come from!!

CCF - did the idea come from environmental concerns and last week's run where yours truly laid down an excessive amount of marking (due to possible rain)??

So - who were the lucky ones who found the W/R split down the shiggy downhill trail - LIT / Hopeless / Octo /Hannah Montana

Gary Glitter - stayed on top of the downhill shiggy W/R split....(after LIT / HM / Octo who found it were coming back up shiggy hilly trail) saying ..'I AM GOING TO MARK THIS CHECK RIGHT NOW!!'... Thanks GG

Hopeless - decided to continue down on the W trail (with no hash markings!!).... just to check that was ok.......!!???

Indy / Tightlips (in absentia)..... also W 'runners'

O'Bollocks - before run... so are u doing R or W?? R of course... I have a 40 km Moontrekker coming up soon that I need to 'train' for!! So how much 'training' have you done....??

Hopeless - doing Moontrekker also....?? Or just wear the shirt??

Returnees - DHL / Poon Tang (in absentia).. Welcome back !!

CCF - Hilarious run report last week! Thanks!!... esp the bit of trail not being hard to find with LIT / Crackpot screaming!!... Yep..... a snake sighting!

LIT - Snake charmer..... found one again!

Gary Glitter - bought 2 bottles of red for $60.... a bargain!!

GG - proudly states at bash 'I could drink a bottle of vino in one sitting!!'....Drrrrr!

Comes Up the Rear - confessing to drinking a bottle of wine at the hash the previous week!

Hopeless DD's

Hannah Montana - beef 'dog balls' left at restaurant, placed in the appropriate position on HM!! (see pic)

Octo - was taking them home to enjoy.....

GG - wearing one of the best 'vintage reprint' LSW shirts... the 1900th run produced 22 May 2013, 1 year before the 1956er's best LSW shirt May 2014!!)

GG - carries his special 'old ladies' hash bag!!

Crackpot - when lost on trail hubby O'Bollocks was 'panicking'!!

Hopeless - has bought miniscule size hash cups for DDs.....

DHL - showing off his 'battle scars' from the hash!

DHL to CCF / Comes up the Rear - hare for setting trail down a suicidally small steep road... complete with moving cars... and suicidal hashers!!

Indy's DD

GG - with his bottle of red wine and his old ladies shopping bag... he could be sitting on the bench 'all by himself' and sleeping there..

O'Bollocks - had looked at the guy (non-hasher) who had been drinking his beer on the bench and envied him his quiet peaceful time!!!

Matching hash shirts - LIT / HM / Hopeless / Crackpot

The hare - thanks muchly for a fab hash and basho... and circle!!

And the most famous hash song was sung by the hare.... and the matching shirt wearers!!

6.41km 64mins
Shau Kei Wan 190925 6.41km 64mins