LSW 2147 Wednesday 20th December 2017


Sai Ying Pun

Hares - Screwtop and the Bottletops
Write-up - Telecum

FB photos here

Well it was billed as Sai Ying Pun classic by the Top family… yes with the rug rats off school what a treat for the pack….

Well Screw Top did the hash proud setting not one but three trails…. And with a bag of instructions the hounds were off…… so was it the Wimps, Rambo or Super Rambo’s (shorter than the Rambo’s, but tricker), which one just make it simple. “Never under estimate the stupidity of a Hasher?”. So even the On on call, buggered Telecum and a few others, (inc. Pole Dancer - and he reccied the run).

Cross the road and turn right… Oops…Well a few hundred meters later the hounds where off, up hill (no surprise there) and onto Bonham Road. Well we all guessed it was a Superman run (Up, Up, Up and Away to the Peak), it was just how we got there… and the pack grouped, split and re-grouped again as we hit the open checks…

Well for those who listen to the brief, it was care on the fence (barbed wire) and when you get to another section the out and in trail where on differing sides of the pavement (well 4ft apart). It was the bit in between that was interesting. So off we went further and further, a few check backs later (some were Pole Dancer enforce - he set the trail for god sake). The FRB’s were heading down the country path, with Denvy and Cums up the rear chopping at the bit…. Well Pole Dancer and Telecum took the mans route… up the super Rambo stream bed, whilst other took the longer safer Rambo route - by this time the Wimps had peeled off - never to be seen again.

Well as Pole Dancer clear the route up the stream bed (well have had reccied it and apparently cleared it with Screw Top and the rug rats. Remember (all are vertically challenged). So Telecum just wimp and whinged all the way up and Devi and Cums Up The Rear piled on through and onto the pathway…..At which point a number of Rambo’s appeared. But it was now a simple test of hound intelligence to make it back to the bucket without getting off trail. Don’t forget hasher are stupid and yes with the help of Pole Dancer, Telecum, and Cums Up The Rear headed up and down Robinson road having missed the clearly marked turn. As Denvy said, I saw you guys going up and down (didn’t call - is that racing) looking lost. Well the hounds found the scent and managed to mark the correct trail for the following pack. By the this time, Hopeless have Wimped it (needed to catch a plane), had solved the last check, clearly marked it (stupid Hounds still missed it….). Well Telecum did a route one, local knowledge, whereas Pole Dancer and Cums up the Rear found the in trail….

Well it was a billed as a fresh trail and yes there was new fresh trail - well done to Hares. (not the stupid one that lead us all adrift… you reccied it and did even know it…).

Great run, 7.5km, 60mins dead for the FRB’s.

Down Downs by Indyanus

The Hares - Screwtop and her Bottle tops...... excellent W /R /SR runs catering for all!

The Bottle tops - Santa's helpers shiggy bashing to clear the path on Super Rambos..

Screwtop - child labour!

Parkn'shop - 'It's great to see the hash horrors helping to set the run on LSW!!'

Pole Dancer - Was on the run, but had done ONE reccie!!!! 'I did not lead the way or solve any checks!!' said he!

Screwtop - Fab Indian food - fun getting kicked out of bashetaria to do DDs in same place near escalator we got kicked out of a few years back!!

Indy - only person to be at (or remember?) that DD fun!!... and that security guard... (Note to Thermal... that same security female was hanging around still!!)

Wimps - first in Hopeless... (lookalike O'Bollox).... 4kms (predicted 6 kms!)

Super R - first in - Gobi Lo Ho (lookalike Hanna Montana).... 6.8 kms (predicted 9 kms!)

Rambo runners - Toilet Spray / Crackpot / Sticky ST / Septic Yank..... how long??... no idea.....

Screwtop - obviously has an inflated idea about measurements!

Pole Dancer - 'No she does not!!'

Screwtop - most excellent Christmas goodies apres run! Jagermeister and Chrissy tree pastry!!

O'Bollox - who had to be kept away from the pastry?

Tight Lips - lost trail.... followed all the other hash trails out there....

Returnees - Telecum, Java Jugs.... all the way from S'pore..... Welcome back!

Telecum - thanks for allowing yourself to 'be volunteered' to write up the run report!

Returnees - Wai Chee is back!! / Dame Invader / Warmhole.....

Warmhole - And how did you get your hash name?.... Answer - 'Don't ask!'

Virgin LSW - Septic Yank

Kowloon hashers - Pole Dancer / Telecum / Hanna Montana

Toilet Spray - Leaving HK for Trumpland ! 'Did not know Trump had approved your visa? ' He has not... but staying anyway whilst my Finance visa still legit!!'

Telecum - taking Java Jugs on her second honeymoon?.... catching tram to the hash!!!

Screwtop - had 2 bottles of wine.... one for Ladies hash and one for LSW..... thought they were 'Screwtops!!"..... but nope..... corks but no corkscrew!!

Hopeless (in absentia) - to the rescue! presents 'Fujitsu Corkscrew cum Leatherman' to Screwtop

Parky - wearing t-shirt plus fleece plus jacket plus beanie on the run! Within 1/2 km was taking off jacket to carry.... Are we in Iceland?

Screw top / Bottle tops - excellent chrissy hash and most interesting bash!!

Parky - one of the 2 originators of the most famous LSW song.......

O'Bollox to Indy - 'Is there something wrong with your watch? You were actually on time for the run tonight!!'

And the most famous song was sung by Screwtop and Parky......

Rambos 10 maybe 12km, wimps 7.28km 58mins
Sai Ying Pun 171220 7.28km 58mins