LSW 1875


Mei Foo

Hare Catch of the Day

21 runners showed up for the 12 12 12 end of the world run; what numerical symmetry. No Mayans though. They probably had other ideas of what to do on their last day. So there are three splits all with a 1 and 2 trail on each, the number ones being easier than the number twos. How long is the run – ‘don’t know but if you have a conference call at 9pm there is a 4km Super Wimps’.

So out of the park we went to a right turn at the Li Chi Kok Sports Centre that all of the pack missed. Except Frank the Plank. He snuck off right and went into strict radio silence leaving the rest of the pack going in the wrong direction. WTF.

We went across Castle Peak Road for a bit of confusion until Hopeless found an On Home so we carried on looking for the outward trail in the shiggy then up to Wah King Rd towards Wonderland Villas. Here we went due east up a virgin shiggy trail that took the hare two hours to navigate then on to the Shek Lei Pui Reservoir retracing some of the Free China’s Saturday markings. Round the north of the reservoir, then we headed south on some great trail running round the bottom of the Kowloon Reception Reservoir. There were several more surprising detours off the road up into the shiggy before hitting the Cheung Hang Road towards our old On Home. The map

A great run with a good selection of Japanese beer in the bins. Hot showers at the sports centre then on to the basho with a depleted pack. After dinner someone must have muttered ‘hit me again’ ‘cos the entire 10 courses were served up again. If Bob le Dick had a fridge in his tent he’d still only be on course 5 after a week….

The Run 121212

Whad’ja think of the run – ‘very nice’, ‘the best 12 12 12 run ever’ – the hare Catch of the Day

Catch of the Day - 100 runs

Lost at Sea - likely to be a big turnout for the run being the end of the world and all

Stinky Sexy Toy in absentia – latecomer, did the SuperWimps then left early (lookalike Toilet Spray)

The 1-1-1 run - Telecom

2-2-2 – Indyanus, Toilet Spray, Come into my Tunnel, Crash Test Dummy, Lost at Sea, Master Wanker, Macau Drunk - everybody else had gone home by this stage…

Lost in Planet - did 1-2-1 or 2-1-2 or 2-2-1 whatever

Crash - good write-up last week for Catch of the Day, except his derogatory remarks about Dr Evil

Hopeless in absentia - the Santa Hash hare (lookalike Toilet Spray)

Dirty Linen time - an interrogation followed on various people’s private lives:
M. Wanker - any comment on the state of Denmark and the pitter patter of tiny feet ? - nope
Toilet Spray - not renewing tenancy - moving somewhere else that might involve cat sitting
Come into my Tunnel - any girls from Manchester learning German ?
Macau Drunk – sticking to his alibi over cut eye
Bob le Dick – find any slightly more permanent accommodation than a tent half way up Ma On Shan ?

Catch of the Day - what about that boyfriend in Morocco ? Er… that ended three years ago....
Catch of the Day - Okay what about the German scientist ? Er… that ended 8 years ago, but he did post her unreturned possessions back last week.

Returnees - Lost in Planet, M. Wanker, Bob le Dick

Indyanus – birthday yesterday and a roster of the club of 56

Toilet Spray - going camping in Pak Sha Wan ‘near the airport’

Toilet Spray - the usual 45 minute shower

The Hare – for moving the bags downstream of the melting ice bins

Chatroom in absentia – going home early to hair dry his laptop (lookalike Toilet Spray)

Indyanus – got a text from a visitor wanting to do the run – she read it after she’d finished the run

The hash song by the hare and some other people who don’t know the words

Mei Foo 121212 10.08km 81mins


Trail map of the 2-2-2 option of the One-Two One-Two One-Two run courtesy of Catch Of The Day on her 100th LSWH3 run ("wot, no free tee shirt?")
Interesting trails through to lower Kowloon reservoirs, utilising some of the (excellent) Free China Hash trail of the Saturday before, well done the hare
ONON to Christmas, a festive "enjoy" to all