LSW 1807 Sai Kung


LSW 1807 Sai Kung

Hare : Indy.

Current theme of Little Sai Wan Hash hares - come back from holiday in Europe, set a run a few days later. This week our illustrious, nay infamous, Indy. Next week Doctor Evil ("oh, am I the hare, I only got back last week!". Indeed watch out people your name will appear on the hareline soon - we need more hares, so help out the Hareraiser now we're (mostly) back from summer holidays.

Obviously it is the start of the academic year when enthusiasm is high and hangover count Is low. The longest and most detailed instructions on how to get to A in recent memory. Although that didn't stop Winnebago getting almost to A, and having to turn back in disappointment for not attending a well set A to B Sai Kung special.

Erin, a returnee visitor, was first to arrive, before the hare had marked to A. The pack trickled in as traffic allowed, including frantic messages from Gobi Lo trying to check which minibus, and 5 minute updates of her progress along Hiram"s Highway.

As it was the pack promptly set off at 19:30, right after Indy had marked the out trail, luckily Ivana Nucock had seen her coming out from her house so led us in the right direction, right, into the village.

Not so for the unfortunate latecomers Gobi and Ruggero. "Go from the first flour" was the hare's instructions. She failed to add "and turn right". Nearly 3km of checking, cursing, curiosity, more cursing, until finally they ran on past the Indy Palace. Onto "the Check in the field".

This Check, as seen on the map after only about 10 minutes into the run, was bedlam. Note to future hares - find a huge field of grass, mark an open Check and expect 10-15 minute confusion and pack gathering. (Better to do nearer the end).

Anyway, Check solved and onto Check Backs spattered across trail to keep us all together. Finally after heading north east, Crème Brûlée and Ivana Nucock were leading.

All the pack ignored the W/R split to do the riverbed Rambos and back onto the road.

A Check led to a CB and then STEPS. A lot of them. +h, going ip - to The Maclehose Trail. Castrato was aghast at the "ladder to hell" as the women led everyone up and up. Ivana and F3M hit the obvious CB leaving Little Sai W@nker and Hopeless blazing trail along the boulder path back towards Sai Kung town.

A series of turns through the village finally brought us into town and a finish at Wan King Path pagoda. Bit tough in the heat but a good trail.

OnOn to the Thai restaurant by the temple and Down Downs courtesy of Hopeless:

The hare - coming off trail looking as if she had been eating the flour

Sticky Sex Toy - parks car at A but B wasn't at Indy's house, 2 minutes away, but all the way back in Sai Kung town

Early arrivals - Erin and F3M

Freewheel - as always, arrives with HK Guidebook in hand

LSWnker - new iPhone4 ap showed him the way

ADWD - would have used the scooter now she's passed her driving test but the dog refused to ride pillion

No chivalry on the hash - LSWker shortcutting the last corner just so he could finish ahead of Crème Brûlée

DFL - Erin and ADWD

Returnee Visitor - Erin (Incoming)

Back from summer hols - Indy, SST

Indy - losing Gobi Lo and Ruggero by poor instructions

Lamma boys - all the way to Sai Kung to hash

Castrato - hasn't got time therefore to iron the hash apron

China Nash Hashers - Crème Brûlée, LSWnker

HK China Nash Hash, LSWH3 rep is - LSWnker!

Freewheel - well behaved at the food table this week

F3M - Hopeless has to buy his own birthday present

ADWD - has an ear infection due to doctors diagnosis - "unhygienic practices" !

Indy - on the third maid in as many months - "this one's good!"

Song sung by returnees plus SST

Sai Kung 110907 8.47km 77min


The route if you were late and missed the instructions

Sai Kung 110907 Denvy & Ruggero 9.52km 75min


All together now...

Sai Kung 110907